TheraSuit Method is an intensive and specific exercise program that uses various tools including a TheraSuit, and a Universal Exercise Unit (UEU).
The TheraSuit is a breathable soft dynamic orthotic device that consists of a vest, shorts, knee pads, and specifically adapted shoes. It uses small resistance bands/bungee that attach to each piece of the garments, providing deep proprioceptive input to the body whilst re-establishing correct postural alignment for various activities.
The suit works to align the body to as close to normal as possible and use the UEU to move the body against resistance. This can be with or without gravity being eliminated to assist in building strength in muscle groups that are very weak.
The pulley system allows for an individual to perform independent or assisted movement while gravitational forces are eliminated. It allows for the isolation of specific muscles to increase strength and range of motion, facilitate active movement, increase muscle and joint flexibility as well as improve functional skills. The spider system allows an individual to perform movement while the body is supported through the dynamic system of elastic cords.
The TheraSuit method aims to:
Improve and change proprioception in the body
Eliminate pathological reflexes
Correct and establish new functional patterns of movement
Re-train/restart central nervous system
Restore ontogenetic development – toxic flexion – core activation for stabilisation
Provide external activation of muscles for stabilisation
Change biomechanical alignment
Provide dynamic correction
Correct gait pattern
Improve balance and coordination
Support head and trunk control
Influence uncontrolled movements in ataxia, athetosis and dystonia
Improve bone density through dynamic activation of muscles
Who is TheraSuit Method for?
Cerebral Palsy
Gross Motor Developmental Delays
Developmental Coordination Disorder
Musculoskeletal injuries
Post Stroke (CVA)
Traumatic Brain Injury
Autism Spectrum Disorder
Spinal Cord Injury
Down Syndrome