Mighty Movers Adventure Group
Typically, this program is run during the school holiday period and may include activities such as beach activities, a mountain hike, pool session and bike ride. Its focus is engaging children in nature based, heavy work activities in a supported social context.
What could be better than joining your friends for a fun filled nature adventure?!
It has become widely known that spending time in nature has a major impact on our mood. What we see, hear and experience helps to reduce stress, fear and anger and increases feelings of happiness and connectedness.
Mighty Movers Adventure Group is a therapy focused dynamic program designed to support children in developing essential life skills while having fun and exploring new adventures.
Through structured activities tailored to individual needs, this group helps children improve their emotional and behavioural regulation, social communication, gross motor skills, and interpersonal interactions.
Guided by skilled therapists, children participate in engaging experiences that foster confidence, resilience, and social connection. Mighty Movers Adventure Group is an empowering way for children to build their skills, make friends, and actively participate in their communities.